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SMART Goals for Weight Loss
It's normal to see people making New Year's resolutions in January but are your goals thought out to provide the best path for your success? Join me as I cover the key elements that you might be missing. Learn more...
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Weight Loss - The 30000 Foot View!
Are you looking at weight loss from too close up? Have you taken time to step back from the intricacies and broaden your view? Join me as we look at the BIG picture!
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Weight Gain and Getting Back on Track
No one likes to see the numbers increase on the scale - but if we get right back to doing what we know works, we can see the progress we're looking for before things get out of control. I have some tips to make that...
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Lipo+B Injections
B vitamins are essential for optimal health and numerous reactions in the body, including energy production, brain, liver and nerve cell function, and muscle function. The Center for Weight Loss Success injectable...
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Thyroid Basics
"Hey Doc - Could it be my Thyroid?" I get this question a lot. "Could it be my thyroid?" Watch while I cover the link between your thyroid health and weight in this episode of Losing Weight USA!
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Estrogen Dominance and Estrogen Deficiency
A shift in hormones is a natural part of the aging process but I've got good news for you, it doesn't have to mean putting on pound after pound! Listen while I discuss how this hormone affects your weight and what to...
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Estrogen, Menopause and Weight Gain
"What is causing this recent weight gain? I've never had a problem before." This is a question that I hear over and over. A shift in hormones is a natural part of the aging process but I've got good news for you, it...
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Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain
You've worked so hard to get where you are. It's a bit scary to think that December could mean a plateau, or worse yet, a few extra pounds on the scale come the New Year. It doesn't have to be that way - join me to...
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Aerobic Exercise
You've no doubt tried various forms of cardio-vascular exercise. Have you found your favorite or do you like to mix it up? How much time to you devote to aerobic workouts on a daily or weekly basis? It might take less...
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10 Clinical Pearls for Low-Carb Living
Is it really that easy? Just 10 things to remember? Well, it's a good start! Focusing your time and energy on what's really important will free up the rest of your time to have fun and enjoy your renewed zest for...
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Herbal Supplements & Weight Loss
You can find herbal supplements on the shelves in almost any store that sells food or healthcare items. They come in different forms - pills or capsules to teabags or drops. They each claim to cure a particular...
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Metabolic Syndrome
You've probably heard the term. What exactly does it mean and how do you know if you have it? What's the treatment or can it be reversed? Tune in and find out! Subscribe for more weight loss information!
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